Aug 30, 2019
Big oof. This one almost killed the boys. Listen to 50 Shades of Grey vs Twilight to hear why.
Nick and Ryan go mano y mano with two "chick-lit" properties. Nick gets kinky with 50 Shades of Grey. Ryan sucks the blood out of his argument for Twilight. Mike does his best to judge.
Topics include: BDSM, dead bedrooms,...
Aug 23, 2019
Get ready for a listener-requested topic, sent in to make Mike finally care about the show again. The boys also bring in special guest Koray to do a draft episode! The plot? To re-cast Lord of the Rings!
Mike, Ryan, and Koray all come up with actors to replace Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Frodo, Gandalf, and Gollum. Nick,...
Aug 16, 2019
Who's in for a tasty, tasty episode? Hopefully you, because the boys berate some bountiful breakfast bites!
Nick stacks on the arguments for pancakes, while Mike cooks up a winning recipe for waffles. Ryan judges the whole taste test!
Discussion points include: pockets, secret agents, the history of waffle irons,...
Aug 9, 2019
Well, Hobbs and Shaw is out, so it's obvious that it's time for the boys to get fast and furious. Nick and Ryan fight over a big celebrity feud.
Nick rocks out with Dwayne Johnson and his giant muscles. Ryan tries to RIDDICKule his opposition by arguing for Vin Diesel. Mike gets to judge.
Listen as they discuss:...
Aug 2, 2019
It's Listener Question Time! The boys listen to a voicemail that pits two great musicians against each other...although they have little to with each other than rhyming names. Still, the boys find a way. It's Bach vs Tupac.
Mike says that if it ain't Baroque, don't fix it, and debates on the side of Johann...