Sep 27, 2019
We're getting close to the end for Judge Mike, so why not return from where he started? With an episode where the boys debate religion!
Mike gets his points from some seer stones for Mormonism. Nick enters the Free Zone to argue for Scientology. Meanwhile, Ryan gets to judge.
Listen as the boys discuss: South Park, the...
Sep 20, 2019
Go big or go home! And what's the use of going home when this week's topic is home to all of us? That's right, the boys are intent on solving the world's hunger crises!
Nick and Ryan both have a platform in order to deal with this planet-wide problem. Meanwhile, Mike gets to judge and eats it all up!
Listen as they...
Sep 13, 2019
The boys may be dumb, but that don't mean you have to be! Educate yourself as they discuss school choice and voucher programs in this pretty serious debate!
Redoing a lost episode, Mike and Ryan pick opposing sides in this raging topic. Mike points out the elementary facts for public schools. Ryan charters the...
Sep 6, 2019
Ummm... So the boys went real weird with this one. The topic is "Space." That's it.
Mike and Nick both pick secret sides that have something to do with the topic, in a general sense. Ryan doesn't get to know until the very end, after he's decided the winner.
The discussion includes: co-ed baby showers, The Martian,...