Dec 27, 2019
Merry Christmas from the boys at YNO! To celebrate their 150th episode, Nick and Ryan bring on their friends from the Aperture Hour Podcast once again!
Chad, Tim, and Ryan face off in their favorite pasttime: drafting a unique team. This time, they do it with Christmas movies. Their categories? The Best, The...
Dec 20, 2019
Listener and friend of the show, Turkish Delight, calls in and suggests a personal topic! Ryan's getting married and who better to plan his wedding than either Nick or Ben?
Discussion points include: one giant pineapple, bar mitzvah, scotch, Say Yes to the Dress, Dave Barry, working under pressure, Carly Rae Jepsen,...
Dec 13, 2019
Big thanks to Mr. Frank over at the Bizzong podcast for this week's topic! But it's time to look at the past of currency and the future of currency, as the boys debate Bartering and Cryptocurrency.
It should come as no surprise that self-proclaimed Luddite Ryan takes the side of bartering. Ben and his tech-savvy ways...
Dec 6, 2019
Get ready for the boys' most stupidest episode. Blue vs Light Blue. Told ya it was stupid.
Ryan's colorblind, so Nick and Ben decide to make him judge this...fine-line of an episode.
Discussion points include: cover songs, the gender spectrum, John Lennon's favorite coat, interior design, whale shirts, Arrested...