Apr 24, 2020
Two of Nick's...interests. Two rhymes. One strange topic. It's Guns vs Nuns!
Ben and Ryan square off on this debate. Ben shoots off five points for guns. Ryan makes it a habit to argue on the behalf of nuns. And Nick judges like he's never judged before.
Discussion points include: shameful sex proclivities, the Sisters...
Apr 17, 2020
The boys are full of it in this week's episode. That's right, they're doing Poop vs Pee. Deal with it.
Ben gets right to the heart of the fecal matter by arguing for poop. And Nick tries to prove that he's the whiz kid by debating pee. Ryan hates his life as judge.
Discussion points include: Syrian warriors, Nazi...
Apr 10, 2020
The boys spread their opinions around in this episode all about sandwich spreads. It's Peanut Butter vs Jelly!
Nick cuts the crust off his arguments going with jelly. Ryan goes straight for the throat with his debate around peanut butter. And our judge Ben gets to decide what's best in this classic debate.
Apr 3, 2020
The boys get a listener-suggested topic this week and get to decide what sport is the best for social distancing. And, in this case, "best" means "most pretentious."
Nick and Ben square off for their respective sports: cycling and disc golf. Meanwhile, Ryan gets to be judge, because who knows pretentiousness like...