Jun 26, 2020
They boys get personal today, trying to solve a problem that Ben's been trying to figure out himself. And that is if he should wear a bondage suit.
Ryan says yes, ben should get the gimp suit. Nick says no, it would be too restrictive for his lifestyle. What way will Ben decide?
Discussion points include: Pulp Fiction,...
Jun 19, 2020
The boys have a long history of interest in exploitation. But not as long a history as two film series. That's right, it's Girls Gone Wild vs Faces of Death!
Nick documents all the ways Faces of Death is better. Ben shows it all for Girls Gone Wild. Ryan is left to take a step back and judge this icky-feeling topic.
Jun 12, 2020
The boys fly high in this week's episode, discussing the finer details of the Birds Aren't Real conspiracy theory.
Ryan takes the side that all birds have been replaced by robotic drones by the governmnet in order to spy on everyone all the time. Ben, you know, argues that birds exist. Nick gets to be judge this time...
Jun 5, 2020
The boys are looking to put the FUN in Funeral!
Nick and Ryan realize that funerals are kind of a bummer. They take it upon themselves to fix them and have come up with 5 aspects of the death and dying process that need to be revamped YNO-style: the memorial service, the repast, what to be buried in, the last rites,...